Why I named my GSD Chevy
by Annabelle
German Shepherd puppy Chevy
My neighbor has a black Lab, named Ford and we would hear him calling for Ford. He also owns a Ford truck.
We own Chevy vehicles. So I thought to myself if I ever got another German Shepherd puppy I would name him Chevy and let the fun begin! lol
Total German Shepherd:
Hey Annabelle,
What a great name for a German Shepherd puppy! This is definitely the first dog I've ever heard of named Chevy so it is unique to me too. Very cool.
My most recent GSD puppy was delivered to me in a mini cooper earlier this summer so that's his name now - Cooper. So I'm following along in your footsteps!
Your German Shepherd puppy Chevy is definitely a cutie too! Thanks so much for sharing him and your name story with us. Continued success in the future with your newest addition!