This is my White GSD Brooklyn

by Terri
(Cleveland, OH)

Brooklyn is 12 weeks in this picture. She was born Aug. 1, 2010 and is now 5 1/2 months old.

She is so protective and loyal and loving. She also loves her sister cat Bailey.

I am having a bit of trouble as she is too protective, and she thinks that anyone approaching me is a threat. We will need to work on that.

She goes to Doggie Day Care during the week while I'm at work, and really loves it! She is tuckered out when I pick her up, from so much running and playing all day. And she's very friendly with all the other dogs at daycare too.

I love her so much and cannot imagine my life without her. :)

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Jul 29, 2011
such a cutie
by: Theresa

Your white German Shepherd puppy Brooklyn (love the name by the way) is absolutely adorable - and I absolutely agree with the other reader - don't listen to any negative comments about your little girl just because she is a white German Shepherd.

All you have to really know is that she is a German Shepherd - that just happens to be white! So what is the big deal anyway? But she is gorgeous - good luck with her in the future.

Jul 29, 2011
I love the white german shepherds
by: Gayle

That is such a cute picture. What a beautiful white german shepherd puppy. I don't know what the big deal is over the white german shepherds - I had one as a kid and I've had several of all the other colors ever since and they all acted pretty much the same as far as I can remember.

And a solid white german shepherd is a very striking dog to see - they are so pretty (or handsome) - simply gorgeous dogs if you ask me. I love the solid black german shepherd dogs too though.

But I wish you much luck with your new white german shepherd puppy. Don't listen to all the junk out there about these wonderful dogs either - so much of it is absolute crap! White german shepherds are great dogs - the color is just color and has nothing to do with anything else - they can still be wonderful pets and great working dogs too.

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