The greatest GSD of all, Rocky

by DEE
(cairo egypt)

Rocky isn't my dog. he was my dad's 20 years ago. but he always keeps telling us about his stories and everything and everyone confirms these stories so im pretty sure they're true =)

i would like to share with you some of those amazing stories about Rocky.

It begins when my father first met him. my dad came one day back home after a while of being away; bringing a friend with him. he was showing his friend around the house and took him to the roof (that's in the 5th floor).

Just opening the door, they found a wild beast running across and jumping over them (Strangers to him), my father simple closed the door and turned around to see his friend when he didnt find him around.

Looking down, he found his friend down in the street again in a time of 4 secounds. till this day, my father's friend describes the 3 months old Rocky.. A LION NOT A DOG!

later on, dad found out that my uncle brought this GSD but his children were very afraid so he decided to give him to someone, meanwhile leaving him at the roof at our grandparents house.

my dad fell in love with the GSD and kept him. he was the most courages strong beautiful and HUGE Dog .. if he could stand putting his arms on my father's shoulder when he was 4 months old (my father is 180cm tall).

one day, our whole family was up at the roof and my cousin was just a little baby playing around. Suddenly everyone found Rocky running towards the baby as fast as he could and he looked pretty damn serious. they were in a shock thinking he was attacking her....

Rocky just jumped from above the little baby and dropped down just behind her because he saw she was playing near the stairs and she was almost falling down.

i will not start talking about his strength and protective abilities cause you all most probably know. one night he was staying at the roof which is closed by an iron gate. and their was a thief at the 3rd floor. he sensed him and just wouldn't stop barking until the whole street woke up. at the almost broke the iron gate to go down and catch the thief himself.


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Apr 03, 2010
Wonderful Story
by: Barbara

Hello, I hope by now you have your own GSD. If not, wait no longer, Thanks for sharing the story, Barbara

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