Our German Shepherd Was Tired of Waiting for Us.

by Susan Choate
(Milo, Maine)

Ellie Mae came for ride one Sunday morning with us - black & red GSD. We stopped for breakfast and left her in the truck. She decided she wasn't having that!

While we were in the restaurant, the manager came to our area and announced, "does anyone know this dog?". Ellie Mae had opened the truck rear window, jumped off the truck bed, walked over to the restaurant front door - waited for someone to open it, then waited for someone to open the inside lobby door. She then very politely visited each of about 30 tables until she found us! Not begging for food, just looking for us.

Once she found us - the tail was of course wagging. My husband walked with her back through the restaurant, of course she cooperated as a lady would. Once outside, she began smiling and swinging back and forth as she does during play time - she knew she "got us" and was absolutely expressing it. She has since passed away, but that is something we will never ever forget. Once you have experienced life with a Shepherd, no other breed will do.

Happy New Year to all of you dog lovers.

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