"My Little Butterball Turkey", My White German Shepherd Puppy Ava

by Michelle Lawrence
(Florence, AL)

My sweet Ava, pictured here at three months old (now eight months old, 75 pounds and still growing!). We bought her from a breeder at only five weeks old. Being right around Thanksgiving, I lovingly called her "my little butterball turkey" as she was just a little white ball of fur.

I named her "Ava" because the name means "strength" and "life" in German, and at the time we got Ava, I was grieving the loss of a white GSD we adopted, named Phoenix age 9, from our local shelter, who sadly passed away after only six weeks from adopting him due to the severe medical neglect and abuse from his previous owner.

Ava gave me the strength to move forward from losing Phoenix and very quickly became my best friend. Ava spends her time swimming, playing with our black lab and being my sidekick while running errands. She is very intelligent and gives unconditional love everyday.

I am a GSD lover for life and promote this captivating, loving and extremely loyal breed everywhere I go!

Thank you for your time,
Michelle Lawrence

Total German Shepherd:

Hi,Michelle. Thanks to you for taking the time to come by here and sharing your gorgeous white German Shepherd puppies story with us all today. Love the picture - she looks soooooo inquisitive.

And I'm sure she's been a great a great German Shepherd for you too. If you ever have more time please come back and tell us some more of what has been going on all the time in between that picture and now.

Comments for "My Little Butterball Turkey", My White German Shepherd Puppy Ava

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Jul 17, 2011
Ava.......pretty girl
by: Barry & Zeus (UK)


Give AVA a big hug. She is a little star.
I have my bold lad...Zeus. 5 1/2 and he is beautiful.

In 2007 I had a very bad start to the year. I lost my beloved Banshee 13. ( Jan)
And Benny, my black long haired shepherd died from Cancer of the leg & Bone. ( March)
I know I will see them again at the Rainbow Bridge.

Jul 11, 2011
by: Linda A - St Louis

What a beautiful White GSD, Ava! Enjoy each other, love and protect her and she will do the same to you. She is your Angel. Take care.

Jul 08, 2011
Ava is beautiful
by: Anonymous

Ava is so lucky to have such good parents!

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