My German Shepherd Rescue
by Mary Catherine
Last year I really wanted a dog for Christmas. My parents said it was best I got one in the summer so I could train it. Either way, I knew I probably wasn't going to get a dog since my mom is allergic. So Christmas came and went: no dog.
In early January we got a call from my uncle, a dentist. He told how a patient of his was a mailman and had told him that a guy got a divorce with his wife, a breeder, and left him with 48 dogs. I was very excited about this opportunity, but my mom wasn't as excited.
So we ended up calling the guy but everytime he wouldn't pick up or would hang up on us. My parents said it wasn't meant to be, I was very upset. Later that month I spent the night at a friends house. I played Nintendo dogs on her DS. I told her how much I really wanted a dog.
So the next morning my mom came and picked me up. When we pulled into our drive way I noticed that there were straps on our mini van. I thought my dad had gotten the plasma tv that my mom wanted for her birthday which was only a few weeks away. But what I really thought was odd was that my mom wanted me to go into the backyard in the 28 degree weather.
To my surprise when I got into the backyard there was a standerd and coated german shephered. I was a bit startled at first and a bit scared. They were so big!!!!! Turns out my parents and my little brother had gotten them the night before.
The dogs names are Cisco (a now 8 year old + he is the standerd one) and Lady (a now 6 year old + she is the coated one). And we are all living happily ever after as one big happy family.