My German Shepherd Renno, R.I.P.
by Arsena McIntire
(Mansfield, OH)
My daughter was abducted at the age of 8 months. I went kinda crazy, and then in November of 1996 I got a 12 week old female German Shepherd Dog that I named Renno, after a book I read with my grandfather as a child. She helped me heal, she became my substitute child and my best friend.
In the time I had her I fostered many many German Shepherd Dogs from a rescue and cats as well. She was a calming presence and an inspiration to me as well.
In her 10th year Hondo a GSD puppy joined us. On December 12, 2007 her health was finally so bad that she had to be euthanized. Being the coward I was and very upset I could not stay in the room with her. It's my biggest regret.
I let my baby down in her last moments. I just hope she has forgiven me. She unselfishly gave me 11 wonderful years and I like to think she would have.
I miss you Renno and I love you so very very much. You're never far from my heart and mind sweetie.