My German Shepherd Puppy Chases His Tail

by Rudy
(Tampa, FL)

My GSD is a male pure breed 9 months old and all he does is chases his tail, only when he's is running with me, or eating, or sleeping, or inside the house chewing on a bone or toy he doesnt' chase the tail. All other times all he does is chase, chase, and chase.

Total German Shepherd:

While this is a really cute behavior (so most people think) in a puppy, tail chasing can grow into something different all together in an adult dog.

Imagine a grown German Shepherd doing this over and over and over...... and imagine your house with furniture knocked over, stuff strown about because your boy, a 90+ pound male is basically tumbling all over your house, from one end to the other..... not a good thing for you, your possessions or him.

So what you need to do it exercise and play with that baby a whole lot more so that he stops doing this out of boredom. Because if you don't, over time as he ages (if left untreated), chances are really high that this behavior will become a habit and that can be a problem.

in fact, I've had several vets even tell me that this can be a symptom of OCD in pets when left untreated. But it often starts out of simple boredom and not enough exercise.

So, get that puppy into a puppy training class and exercise him until he's good and tired too as often as you can. Speak to your dog trainer about the tail chasing too and see what they suggest you try to stop the tail chasing.

That way you'll be working on your training which you need to do anyway plus addressing the issue of the tail chasing. Plus through the exercise you and your puppy will be getting this will also hopefully cut down on the whole tail chasing issue.

Tail chasing every once in a while IS cute - but if your dog does it all the time when they're not doing something else - then that can definitely be the sign of something else all together. So I'd definitely try and stop it now before it becomes a habit. Good luck.

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Oct 13, 2014
GSD tail chasing
by: Anonymous

My GSD puppy was chasing his tail more often then any of my previous dogs. As mentioned in other posts plenty of excersie can help dull this behavior and I would take my puppy for long walks. He would still chase his tail as soon as he got his energy back. So then I said ok you want your tail you can have it and I basically held his tail and let him bite it. After a handful of times doing this over a few weeks he has stopped and has given up on tail chasing.

Nov 02, 2012
Mine has turned into a BIG PROBLEM'
by: Anonymous

I recently got a German Shepard from my mom. She does this ALL the time, my mom and stepdad worked with her over a year and no luck. So i brought her home with me thinking i could cure it seeing how i have more time to work with her.

Its been 3 months and no luck. My mom was told she WAS spayed. I went out to feed her last night and discovered 10 pups in her box. She is chases her tail inside the box with pups in it.

I dont know what to do. Shes going to kill the pups Im afraid of. It almost seems as though her tail is a threat to her pups and shes trying to protect them.

Yea everyone who comes over laughs at her and thinks its the cutest thing well guess what its not. It has turned into a problem now.

Good luck with your pup, i have almost given up ALL hope of her stopping' Good luck

Dec 28, 2011
year old male german shepherd chases tail
by: Anonymous

My year old male german shepherd chases his tail. Usually when someone comes around.

My husband drives truck and is home once a week and as soon as he is in the door my dog starts chasing his tail. I have a fenced in yard that he has free rein in.

He has two dogs to play with. I never confine him. My grandchildren come over and he goes outside with them starts out playing with them then starts chasing tail and wont quit.

Even people we dont see that much as soon as they come around he chases his tail so much that he wears hisself out but continues to chase his tail. HELP!!!

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