My German Shepherd Montana Was My Best Friend

by Jessica U


This is a picture of my angel Montana, who I miss everyday. Montana lost her battle to cancer March 3, 2012. Here is our story.

I was 24 (now 34) when Montana came into my life. I was obviously young and going through a lot of tough times. She and I lived in a tiny duplex. The story really starts at her chewing a hole in my carpet.

I of course felt obligated to explain the carpet situation to my landlord (she lived right next door).she wasn't thrilled and gave an ultimatum...either get rid of the dog or she will have to get rid of both of us.

She was only almost a year old, but I had already grown attached, but started thinking we would have no where to go so, I called the breeder ( a k-9 deputy) and asked him if he knew of anyone that would take her in. He gave me a couple names.

In the mean time my landlord said she would buy new carpet if I got rid of her. I really didn't have any other option. I called this guy and he said he would be interested in taking her. I drove out to the country, knocked on the door, kids were jumping on couches, montana was confused...I was confused. The guy had a lot of land...the place was nice and I knew I had to let her go.

I was very heartbroken. Montana and I were so close I didn't know how to let her go. She slept right next to me. My shoes were her shoes. My bed was her bed. I didn't think I had a choice though. So, I said goodbye.

As I drove off I went into a panic and cried the whole way back home. I looked around and no carpet. I sat on the cement and cried and cried. One thought was you know you get new carpet now. Then I answered I don't give a rats about new carpet. I can't let her go. I just can't.

I ran to my car drove back out to the country, knocked on that gentleman's door (that
same day) and begged for her back. I said I don't know where I'm going to live, but I know I can't live without her. She is my best friend. I apologized and he gladly turned her over. I had never seen her so happy. She darted past him to get to me and that is where our story began.

That drive home was the most freeing feeling I think I had ever felt. Watching her in the front seat...head out the window enjoying the fresh air. I knew I was never going to let her go again.

My landlord saw us walk to the door and she asked what I was doing. I said WE ARE MOVING OUT AND YOU CAN KEEP MY DEPOSIT. I went to church (which I hardly ever did) met this person that took us in until we found a place.

Montana had a great life from there on out. We did everything together. We played baseball, hiked, swam, played tennis. You name it. She went everywhere with me. If she couldn't go then I didn't want to go. I didn't date for 8 of those years. I dedicated my life to her.

Our story only became more beautiful. I just loved her so much. I can't even explain to you. I don't have a husband....I don't have was just her. My angel. I thought we would have forever. The day I found out she had terminal stage four cancer I about died.

She was having a hard time breathing. I had to do what was best for her and this time I had to truly let her go. I held her the whole time and bared the pain.

It hasn't gotten easier for me. I'm truly lost without her. Truly. Even if she doesn't win this photo contest it at least allows me to share with you all just how wonderful our life was. Thank You.

Our video is on You Tube under Montana and Jessica if you would like to see. Our story is one I will never forget.

Take Care
Jessica U.

Montana and I lived most of our lives in Sioux City, Iowa.

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Dec 29, 2012
Lost mine too
by: Anonymous

Sorry for your loss for I had to put my GSD female down Dec 28, 2012 due to pancreatic tumor.. She was 8 would have been 9 Apr , 2013. I so miss as you miss yours.

May 05, 2012
Montana will wait for you in heaven
by: Carmen

I can see myself in you, on how you treated Montana. I have a 5 year old GSD named Black Jack. We do the same stuff you do everyday of our lives except for swimming. I do all these because I want him to be happy during his short stay with me.

As we all know they have a life span of 13 years, some are lucky they live really long. If you have time to read, please buy the book entiled "Will I See My Dog In Heaven" by Jack Wintz. I saw this book in the Monks of New Skete website. It will help you with whatever you are feeling right now. I finished reading the book and it was really good for people like us. It's also available in kindle.

Good luck to you and I hope you will feel better. God bless you for taking good care of Montana.

May 05, 2012
by: Linda Arnold - St Louis

I need tissues, what a beautiful sentiment to your beloved Montana. You made the BEST decision of your life when you went back for her and thank God that man was a kind person. You both were lucky to have each other.

Montana loved you with her whole heart, she knew that. I wished everyone could experience the Love and the Devotion a dog can give. Maybe one day you will be bless with another Angel, it won't and couldn't ever replace Montana.

Your heart is probably big enough to have another one come in. God Bless Montana and take care.

May 04, 2012
by: Mark

God Bless Montanna, I know the feeling all too well.

May 03, 2012
by: Ileana

Dear Jessica, I watched the video of you and Montana. It brought tears to my eyes. I am so very sorry for your loss. Montana is now an angel in heaven and she is watching over you. She knows how much you did for her and how much you loved her. RIP, Montana!

May 03, 2012
i know how you feel
by: Anonymous

I got my shepherd at 20yrs old,for my 20th (march 18th) i got her in the june.. then realised her birthday was the 21st march..... few days between us!! lovely.

she came to work with me, i trained her for agility.. brilliant. i own a florist and my husband at the time had a nightclub. everyone loved her. she even picked up sniffing for drugs.. so everyone knew not too mess.. coz shed know!!!

at the age of 9,11mths she started breathing funny, and xrays showed one of her middle lung lobes had twisted, died and severed away.. we operated immediately to remove it, and she healed a puppy, still so beautifull and loving, showing no pain.

NO MENTION of cancer until 4weeks to the day.. 2nd of Jan.. just before her 10th birthday, my 30th, breathing strange happened again, then the vets realised it was cancer that had spread through her body to her other lungs.

i had a 5min desision this time.... i knew i had to say goodbye. i went sat with her trying not to show her.. but i think she just lay there knowing!! didnt fight it, just those big brown eyes looking back, thanking me for the extra amazing 4weeks we had.

xx RIP TKY!! i know have a black shepherd to replace her... crazy thing.. but i wouldnt change her either.x

May 03, 2012
Montana was my Best Friend
by: Cheryl Schaefer

Hello! Jessica, Thank you for sharing your beautiful story about Montana! You had such a special relationship with Montana. Hugs to you, Jessica! Montana will live on in your heart, & spirit! REST IN PEACE, MONTANA!

May 03, 2012
I understand....
by: Fred


I understand completely. I lost my beautiful little girl Bear two years ago, and I still can't think about her without misting up. It will get easier, but it will never stop hurting. Believe that there is a heaven, and that you and your girl will one day be together. You are not alone....

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