My German Shepherd Gunther, the Ambassador of Happiness

by Nicole Affuso

Gunther Von Schnitzel, or Gunther for short is just enormous for his breed. I'm proud to say that he has never shown his teeth EVER!

My boyfriend and I drove from NJ to Indiana, to see his parents and facility. He was a gift from me to my boyfriend but he had a bigger gift for me; He put my engagement ring around Gunthers neck before he handed him to me.

As my wedding invite list grew so did Gunther, he's now 135 lbs. of pure sloppy kisses. He and his best buddy, Mr. "Harry" Barker, a chow chow love cruzin in my convertible, harnessed in with their doggels.

I like to call him the Ambassador of Happiness because
everyone beeps with huge smiles. I'm so lucky.


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Nov 11, 2010
by: Anonymous

Precious photo Thanks for protecting the eyes.

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