My Gentle Giant, My Best Friend, My Beloved German Shepherd Gabriel

Gabriel was 5 years and 7 mos old and suffered from Perianal fistula he lost his battle last night around 9:30 pm with the help of my friend and Veterinary.

He is now at peace and pain free. It is very hard to let them go, even when we know it is the best for them.

My gentle giant was a wonderful German Shepherd he loved other dogs and children, he never met a stranger.

He will be deeply missed.

Rest in Peace Gabriel, Rest in Peace

Total German Shepherd:

Let me say right up front to Gabriels parents that I am so very sorry for your loss of your German Shepherd Dog, Gabriel. I am so very sorry for the loss of your wonderful pet - it is a shame you didn’t get the chance to have more time together with him.

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