My 10 month old German Shepherd pup is terrified of everything, especially other dogs.

by carol forrester
(glasgow scotland)

Sweet Molly

Sweet Molly

My new pup (10 month old) Molly is very scared of just about everything. Also she is very underweight. even if we raise our voices slightly she takes to her heels. She will not go into my fathers room unless I am leading her and even then she bolts the minute I let her loose.

She will happily be petted and is very gentle with my old dog and cats. When we are out though she does show panic and aggression towards other dogs even if they are a distance away. She is also very underweight, around 9 pounds but I am having difficulty in getting her to eat,especially dried foods.She wont even take treats.

How can I encourage her to eat more?. She has bonded well with us but I feel she has had a difficult background and want to go the right way to help her enjoy life. She doesnt even know how to play!.I would really appreciate any advice regarding this lovely dog.

I have been told that white shepherds have a genetic fault but I am hoping that this is nonsense. I am keeping her no matter what but as I say I want her to have fun and enjoy her life. She is very obedient (possibly too much). Thank you for looking regards carol

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Jan 25, 2010
9 pounds?
by: Bette

Surely that is a typo. I hope your dog doesn't weigh just 9 pounds. She doesn't look like it. If she is severely underweight I would take her into the vet. Her stress might be making her physically ill. There's also Bach's remedy and some other natural products that can calm her.

If you have a Whole Foods nearby check it out. With the Bach's you just tap about 3 drops into her water. There is no way it can hurt her. I've used it with my nervous boy several times.

Also, you do need a trainer for a few sessions. A good one can work wonders, but given what you've said about her I would not take her to a group class.

Jan 22, 2010
white gsd
by: wendy

In Canada & the US the white gsd is not recognized as a distinct breed, but the UKC does recognize them. The white colour is seen as a fault over here, so they are disqualified from conformation trials.

There are small groups dedicated to changing this. But a fault is NOT a defect. White gsds (I am on my third) are a bit more anxious than *regulars, & are a bit more of a "velcro " dog. Because of this, they require a sensitive, positive training approach.

Do not force her into situations where she is clearly uncomfortable. Let her stay by your side & treat her when she lets a dog approach. Introduce her to friendly dogs slowly & encourage her to explore at her own pace. Take her everywhere you possibly can & SLOWLY push her past her comfort level & treat her every time she does so. She is gorgeous & will love you unconditionally if you treat her with respect & kindness. Good luck.

Jan 09, 2010
Terrified White German Shepherd Puppy
by: Debbie

First of all don't believe that "White german shepherd genetic problem" issue at all. That is a bunch of crap! Color is only a cosmetic issue and has nothing to do with a dogs intelligence, temperament or working ability.

Secondly, what I would suggest is that you get to work with a dog trainer and be patient because it will take time to build up your dogs confidence as well as its reaction to other dogs, animals, etc.

Start socializing your dog as best you can in controlled situations and if you want to do it yourself you can but a good dog trainer can be invaluable in getting you to where you want to be in a much faster time because they know how to train the dog - and the owner too.

Dog training is one great way to really build your dogs confidence. But if you want to get books to learn how to do it yourself here is a page with a few dog training books on it that may be very helpful to you:

German Shepherd dog training

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