K-9 Tank During Protection Training - Video

by Pamelia Sparks
(Bristol Tn USA)

Tonight Tank proved how tough a GSD is... Taking a spill out of a pickup truck and continuing on after the decoy.

Proud of you boy..

Total German Shepherd:

Hey Pamelia,

Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful video of your German Shepherd puppy Tank as he was doing his protection training. It really shows some great examples of the training and some different situations in which someones dog just might need to protect his owner.

I'm so glad he wasn't hurt when he fell out of the truck. It even looked like he was checking back to make sure "Dad" was okay first before he went on to get the bad guy.

What a puppy! Takes a licking and keeping on ticking. So he definitely lives up to his name - Tank! Such a big old tuffie! ;)

I still can't get over how much he looks like my current German Shepherd Rodie! The resemblance is stunning!

Please keep us all up on his progress with all his training and otherwise. And if you have more videos to share with us down the road, we are always looking for more German Shepherd videos, so feel free to send them along.

Thanks again and continued success with that beautiful German Shepherd puppy of yours, Tank!

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Aug 29, 2012
by: Pamelia Sparks

I have become the clubs videographer, since my youngest got out of the army (he is the voice/handler in the video) I was doing the handling before hand however my joints were taking a beating. lol

I set up a YouTube channel just for my GSD's and the ones in our club. You are welcome to subscribe and or anyone else.. I need the subscriptions hahaha

I want to thank you for your kind comments and for having this amazing site. Give Rodie a big ole hug from me and his doppelganger here in Tennessee.

Thanks again

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