In Memory of Our German Shepherd, Phoebe

by Cheryl Schaefer
(Tinley Park, Ill. USA)

I would like to share. a. short memorial of Phoebe.

Phoebe first came into our lives, when, she was. 5 years old. We adopted her from a local animal shelter. We were her 4th owners, through no fault of Phoebe 's.

The minute. we brought her home, she was such a part of our family. She brought us such joy and happiness. Phoebe was with us for almost 7. years.

Last October 13, we had to make the tough decision to help her cross the Rainbow Bridge. We had a local veterinarian come to our. house to help id, because,, we felt it would put too much stress. on Phoebe to try to bring her in. The veterinarian, and her assistant were so. compassionate.

A few days later, the veterinarian's office called us to pick up Phoebe's. Ashes. They also included a mold of her paw print,along with her name, and some hearts. We treasure that so much!

We also got some beautiful sympathy. cards, along, with small plastic card, with the Rainbow Bridge saying. Phoebe was approx. 12 years old. Phoebe is always in our hearts, minds, and, spirit.

Rest in Peace, Sweet Phoebe Girl. Hugs! We now have an 8 month old German. Shepherd Puppy----Chloe.

Thank you for leaving me write this tribute in memory of Phoebe.

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Mar 19, 2012
by: Linda A - St Louis

Your letter bought back memories and tears for me, we too, had to make that painful decision. I beg God to take our precious Ebony, our black Lab (12 1/2 yrs old) but we had to take her to her vet.

We didn't want another because our hearts were broken. Two weeks later, God sent us an another "angel" our German Shepherd, Mia at 12 weeks old and she is now 2. I'm glad you have another little angel too, dogs are so Wonderful, they fill our hearts with so much joy.

God Bless our dogs who are in Heaven and on Earth and please keep them safe!!!

Mar 18, 2012
by: Miley's mom

God bless Phoebe - she is having a blast in doggie Heaven. and may God bless you for not only adopting Phoebe, but taking on another dog.

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