I was an Ugly Duckling Who grew into my ears!
by Sam Miller
Phoebe as a Puppy
Phoebe (Or * Dogzilla * as I lovingly call her) is a happy, clever, patient, hard working and loving four year old.
I was * forced * into taking her by friends that could no longer deal with my grief over the loss of my 13 year old GSD Clancy. Phoebe was a grand 8 weeks old when she came into my unhappy life.
My father had just died, my Mother was trying to will herself into the grave after him, my sister’s Mother in law passed away at the same time and the father in law was diagnosed with Dementia.
Nope. I had no time for a puppy.
But in she came… thanks to meddling, good hearted friends. I would hold her and cry…. About the loss of Clancy and the hard times for the family and wondered what I was doing with this little thing I could not do justice to at this time. I had not the time nor energy to raise her as I had done the 3 others before her.
What would become of her? I knew she needed training and limits and everything else a baby needs. I kept telling her that too. How sorry I was she was stuck here and I would try and find her a better home.
She was having none of that.
Phoebe was as rambunctious as any GSD pup and just too * adult * for her age. It was if she came in knowing all the rules. As much as she ran through the house and yard she never destroyed anything.
She never dug a hole, never chewed a shoe or pillow. All she wanted were empty flower pots! There was very little problem solving as she grew and after basic training she acted like she owned the world. Smart girl.
What started out as my spending our first two months together trying to give her away has turned into my having the best friend I could ever hope for. She has seen me through all those problem we had before she came and… adapted her OWN life to help me with my own illness now.
Who could ask for anything more?
She will be my dog of the month, every month for the rest of my life.