I was an Ugly Duckling Who grew into my ears!

by Sam Miller

Phoebe as a Puppy

Phoebe as a Puppy

Phoebe (Or * Dogzilla * as I lovingly call her) is a happy, clever, patient, hard working and loving four year old.

I was * forced * into taking her by friends that could no longer deal with my grief over the loss of my 13 year old GSD Clancy. Phoebe was a grand 8 weeks old when she came into my unhappy life.

My father had just died, my Mother was trying to will herself into the grave after him, my sister’s Mother in law passed away at the same time and the father in law was diagnosed with Dementia.

Nope. I had no time for a puppy.

But in she came… thanks to meddling, good hearted friends. I would hold her and cry…. About the loss of Clancy and the hard times for the family and wondered what I was doing with this little thing I could not do justice to at this time. I had not the time nor energy to raise her as I had done the 3 others before her.

What would become of her? I knew she needed training and limits and everything else a baby needs. I kept telling her that too. How sorry I was she was stuck here and I would try and find her a better home.

She was having none of that.

Phoebe was as rambunctious as any GSD pup and just too * adult * for her age. It was if she came in knowing all the rules. As much as she ran through the house and yard she never destroyed anything.

She never dug a hole, never chewed a shoe or pillow. All she wanted were empty flower pots! There was very little problem solving as she grew and after basic training she acted like she owned the world. Smart girl.

What started out as my spending our first two months together trying to give her away has turned into my having the best friend I could ever hope for. She has seen me through all those problem we had before she came and… adapted her OWN life to help me with my own illness now.

Who could ask for anything more?

She will be my dog of the month, every month for the rest of my life.

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Dec 20, 2010
Speaking of shoes...
by: Penny

My boy is a comedian. He had never destroyed anything anywhere, except maybe his toys. BUT, he loves to steal a sock or shoe and leave whichever it is in the middle of the living room floor. He will carry one of my slippers around waiting for me to notice so we can have a good, though brief chase around the house. When I say "GIVE" he stops running from me and brings me my shoe. He's done the same thing recently with a couple of pieces of one of my puzzles.

German Shepherd Training

Nov 15, 2010
Phoebe was no ugly duckling!
by: Anonymous

Phoebe was no 'ugly duckling'! The ears were just right and she showed everyone she would grow into them. My boy has huge ears and I will defend them to anyone. Phoebe is gorgeous now, but one question, However did you get her to wear that bandana??? My boy had a surgeon costume for Halloween and REFUSED to wear his surgical cap!

German Shepherd Training

May 18, 2010
by: JSwarts

Funny how things turn out. I think Im going through that a little with mine, although she bit more of a trouble maker than yours, she still makes me smile when hving a bad day :)

The story was very touching. Dogs are truly a wonderful companion no matter what when where or how.

Jan 23, 2010
Turned into a Swan :-)
by: Myra

She is the true Ugly Duckling that transformed into a Beautiful Swan.
She turned out absolutely gorgeous :-)

I have a Female who is my best friend in the world. As soon as I find the photo disks I plan to post pictures of her.
Darla, AKA Bug, Bugaroni, Macaroni, MacDaddy and numerous other alias's All of which she responds to, also seemed to have come with all of the grownup rules. And she just loves all people and other dogs
Never crated, the first night we had her at 10 weeks old, she woke us up at 3:30 to go outside to go to the bathroom.
In 17 months she has had only 2 accidents in the house.
Never pulled on the leash, only ever once was destructive and it was BIG one, but it was 5 days into our first vacation away from her.
I'll give her that one. I could leave a $300.00 pair of shoes (if I had a pair!) and she would not go near them.
She's AWESOME, and I ADORE her!

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