GSD Tribute to Bogey Boga Sigler

by Mark Sigler
(Harpster, Ohio, USA)

Bogey protects Mark sleeping

Bogey protects Mark sleeping

Simply the "Greatest" companion anyone could ask for. Our 9 years together watching the love in your eyes, gentleness, and our walks together will never be forgotten.

The pain has been great, as I maintain your grave. I pray that God is taking care of my little girl.

Total German Shepherd:

Mark, first of all let me take the time to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. It is so very hard to lose a wonderful pet. But your memories will help you through the long grieving process. Thank you again for sharing your story about your Dog, Bogey, here with us all.

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Jul 03, 2015
Remembering Bogey
by: Mark

Seven years ago I lost the worlds best dog, Bogey. She is not forgotten and just recently I realized have nickname, BOGA, could well stand for BEST OF GODS ANIMALS. She truly was the GREATEST. Mark

Jul 05, 2014
Still missed
by: Mark

It is just over 5 years since I lost this GREAT GSD. Still missed and talked about by those who shared her life and enjoyed her personality. May we meet again Bogey. Master Mark.

Feb 11, 2014
Still Loved
by: Master

Still thinking of Bogey, our great and few bad times. LOVE YOU BOGA.

Jul 04, 2012
Gone but not forgotten
by: Master

Losing the worlds greatest dog is rough. It has been 3 years now since I buried Bogey on the hillside by pond.

She has not been forgotten by anyone in her family, because she was so great. May we all meet again. Master Mark

Mar 30, 2011
More about Bogey Boga Sigler
by: Mark Sigler

Bogey was born March 5, 2000 and died 7-3-2009 from kidney failure the result of a seizure. We met when I heard a tradio ad of free German Shepherd pups before they go to Marion pound. I couldn't resist and drove t5o residence where I saw a light brown pup, struting across yard. I asked about a male, but was told only 4 females were left. Oh boy, how to choose a pup when all are cute. I put my hand down in front of pups and got the most gentle tounge kiss ever, not a lick.

I took her and went home to a totally unprepared house. It was proably turmatic since she wet in drive. Could hold the 8 week old in one hand. The kiss stayed forever, and she was a lover the likes of which most people never experience She learned things like not taking food from strangers on her own, a face reader, gentle but challenging guard dog that wanted to be with family. She had a gay tail, but that just added to her beauty, she was a lover, not a show dog. I was really asleep in photo, she stayed over an hour a couple of times. She was notorious for catching me asleep, and flipping my hand. I knew it would not last forever, and stayed with her through her illness and fears of death. I hope you found this love story, Mark

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