German Shepherd Puppy Behavior

by Marlon Cassiano
(Pasadena, CA)

Hi, My name is Marlon and I would like to know if it is normal for my German Shepherd puppy to sleep a lot? He is 2 months old.

Everything seems to be right with him just the fact that he's always looking for the opportunity to sleep. Thanks for your response.

Total German Shepherd: Assuming your puppy has no health issues otherwise, yes, it is normal for a puppy of any kind to be sleeping a lot at that age, so don't worry.

Your German Shepherd puppy is still a very young baby at this age. And like a human baby or any other kind they sleep a lot while very young but this will decrease over time - so enjoy it while you can!

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Apr 07, 2011
sleepy pup
by: Anonymous

be sure to check for flea infestation which can cause severe anemia and fatigue

May 19, 2010
Puppy sleeping
by: John Lentz

To the writer with the 2 month old who sleeps all the time. My GSD male has two speeds right now; 100 miles per hour or asleep. He is 23 weeks old and still considered a pup. If your dog is healthy via a Vet, I'd guess he is fine.

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