German Shepherd Massey, Angel Mobility Assistant Dog

by Alice Richter

This is Massey, a mobility assistant dog. She was born next to my hospital bed (in my home).

I had a car accident & broke everything from my neck to my pelvic bone. They would lay her on my body cast as a baby.

She has been my best friend, my comfort when in pain, my helper when I drop the remote, my support when I cant make it to the bed, my strength when I feel I just cant take it another day.

So now she has put me on my path of training service dogs for others who need help like I do. SHE GAVE ME A PURPOSE.

Total German Shepherd:

Hi Alice,

What a wonderful dog your Massey is. And what a story. So she has had a purpose to serve you her whole life - I can't imagine the bond you two must have. Absolutely fantastic!

German Shepherds are incredible dogs no doubt but what a little angel she is for you. And I am sure she enjoys nothing more than helping you too.

Fantastic! Really! And now you have a purpose too in training other assistance dogs. So your experience has come full circle - what a wonderful story. I would love to see the two of you "in action".

I wish you and your sweet companion German Shepherd, Massey, nothing but the best in the future. If you ever have the opportunity to make a video of you guys training and would like to share it - please send it here and we would be happy to share it with others!

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Nov 16, 2012
by: Linda Arnold - St Louis

What a Beautiful Shepherd and look at that Face, just precious! Great picture too!

Massey is truly what a German Shepherd is about; Protector, Loyal, Trustworthy and Faithful, you are both lucky to have each other. Massey is your Angel, no doubt, give her an extra treat, she deserves it.

Good luck to both of you. Take care of your girl and Massey will always take care of you!

Nov 15, 2012
by: sckeppy

Thank you for sharing your story-- and your wonderful dog!-- with us.

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