German Shepherd Bosco to the Rescue

by L. Jensen

The Boz Man

The Boz Man

Where to begin? It was a cold December day in 2004, I was feeling better and we decided to take a drive to a Pet shop in town.

In the back of my mind and in my heart I had wanted a German Shepherd Dog again... would we see one? Would I break my rule and purchase from a pet store...I dismissed the thought.

Ears...that's all I saw out of the corner of my eyes... and I knew instantly heart to heart, he was mine...we really couldn't afford him, and with all the medical bills we were facing due to my stroke and we went home... reluctantly.

Just a few days before Christmas, in walks my hubby with this beautiful boy... he was home!

For almost 6 years he was my constant buddy, helping me to stand, kissing away tears, snuggling to keep me warm, hopping around for joy when I came home...constantly my protector.

Sadly we had to say goodbye to the Boz man just a month ago. He had become paralyzed from the waist down in just 10 days...there was nothing we could do but say good bye to this wonderful friend.

The last night together I laid on the floor with him. As I sobbed, he whimpered and whined in unison. I held his paw, he'd kiss away the our hearts...communication...he understood...we laid together for the last time as we waited for the morning...

German Shepherd Training

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Mar 12, 2011
Very touching story
by: Anonymous

I too have a GSD that I love very much! Even more strange, his name is Bosley (Boz man for short along with many other nicknames). I truely feel your pain in losing your best friend. Our little guy, all 90 lbs of him, has epilepsy and possible hip displasia so we worry about him everyday. I'm very sorry to hear about the pain you went through with Bosco. It was a beautiful story.

Feb 04, 2011
the sound of a breaking heart
by: Anonymous

I could hear your heart break. The sound of which is almost too much to bear for it opens the always tender wounds left by the departures of my furry loves. It's so so hard and my heart goes out to you. Remember: it's better to have loved and lost than never to have known the love of a dog.

Aug 20, 2010
I am Heartbroken for you.
by: BJFC

Please accept my sincere sympathy for the loss of your beloved Bosco. May this statement bring you some comfort. We will be together with our furkids again.

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached. Unable to accept this awful gap we still would live no other way. We cherish memory as the only certain immortality, never fully understanding the necessary plan."


German Shepherd Training

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