The story of GSD General Lee

Here is a story sent in by one of our readers about their pet German Shepherds. Here’s a photo of our General Lee, AKC registered. He’s now 4 years old and is a best friend and guardian.

His favorite toy is a frisbee, your arm will get tired before Lee does.

We rescued Lee and his cousin Reese “Female German Shepherd”. They were both in dire need of a home. The living conditions for humans that had them was sub-standard so just imagine what the conditions were for the dogs.

When we first saw them, they were licking duck droppings, as they had nothing to eat, and water..well it was green. I threatened the owners with calling the sheriff, if they did not sell them to us that night.

We were looking for one dog, but just could not leave the other one. After some heavy duty vet. Bills for malnutrition, fleas ticks and whatever else they had…they are now both healthy and a big part of the family.

We have two wonder family friends now, they guard our home and property and share a lot of love. Lee is at my side every chance he gets. He’s my buddy and he just loves the grandkids.

Sent in by: B. Trescott

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"My dog is usually pleased with what I do, because she is not infected with the concept of what I "should" be doing." - Lonzo Idolswine

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